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Jolla/Sailfish OS tips and tricks

This is just some of my notes for Sailfish OS.

USB Internet Sharing

Adds the option to share your connection from the Jolla to PC through USB. Install from Jollas repos
Seems to lag down the OS (SFOS 3.0, XA2)

$ pkcon install usb-moded-connection-sharing-android-config

Pull .apk from an android device and transfer to Jolla

Searches for an apk on a android device and pulls it to computer through ADB. Then transfer the file to Jolla with ssh.

Connect to the android device through USB, then run from PC:

$ adb shell pm list packages
$ adb shell pm path com.example.someapp
$ adb pull /data/app/com.example.someapp-2.apk

Transfer the apk from PC to Jolla:

$ scp com.example.someapp-2.apk nemo@192.168.1.*:/home/nemo/

Check Battery Status

$ upower -d

CSD tool

In case your Jolla is not behaving properly there is a way of running various tests to check the potential problem. To enter the testing app, you can either type
on the phone’s dialer, or type
$ csd
in the terminal, while you are in the developer mode.


Software for TOHKBD is available at kimmolis repo:


Install warehouse for OpenRepos.net:

Download latest rpm for armv7hl: https://openrepos.net/content/basil/warehouse-sailfishos
transfer to Jolla and open in File Browser and install.




$ pkcon get-updates
$ pkcon search name sailfish
$ pkcon install "libsailfishapp-devel"
$ pkcon remove "libsailfishapp-devel"

Unison Sailfish

pkcon install name zypper
zyper ar -f http://repo.merproject.org/obs/home:/temev:/unison/sailfish_latest_armv7hl/home:temev:unison.repo
zypper install unison

Fix ssh-login for unsion

On the sailfish device:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
(leave empty on the choices)
Creates: .ssh/id_rsa.pub

If ~/.ssh does not exist on the target server, create it.
$ ssh user@serverurl mkdir -p .ssh

Send the certificate to target server:
$ cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh user@serverurl 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

ssh-copy-id [serverurl]

Sync with Sailfish OS device

Create folder ~/unison on the Sailfish device.

$ unison ~/unison ssh://user@serverurl/unison -ignorearchives
Do " , " on all options (sync from the server to your device). Complete with "y".

$ cp ~/unison/syncunison_sailfish /home/nemo/syncunison
$ chmod +x ~/syncunison
$ ./syncunison
$ devel-su cp ~/syncunison /usr/bin/
$ devel-su cp ~/unison/syncunison.desktop /usr/share/applications/

Sync with linux-desktop

Copy excecutable unison-2-48-3 to your desktop computer. (Ask me if you don't find it)
$ sudo cp unison-2-48-3 /usr/bin/unison
$ unison ~/unison ssh://server/unison -ignorearchives
Do " , " on all options (sync from the server to your device). Complete with "y".

Install KDE Marble Maps

Download RPM here for sfos armv7hl

In Sailfish, install Qtscript
$ pkcon install qt5-qtscript

Install the RPM.

source: https://frinring.wordpress.com/2015/11/25/marble-maps-forking-for-sailfishos/



Vesa-Matti Hartikainen "Developing applications for Jolla's Sailfish OS ", SmartDevCon 2013

SSH to the SailfishOS emulator:

ssh -p 2223 nemo@localhost

Qt documentation


QML Tutorials

Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB22HyVdO1GkLFrvRi5vIo5XcWS0EflxD

HTML Entities


Sailfish icons


Unofficial Sailfish OS third party open source apps collection
